Sandhya Vandanam is a ritual done before sunrise and sunset with the object of purification and sanctification of our bodily organs, mind and soul. Sandhya means 'junction period' which refers to junctions between day and night, dawn and dusk, solar day/night, lunar night/day etc. In Hinduism it is considered as a period where we can easily pray to Gods and get their blessings since it is a "transition" time. The word ‘Vandanam’ means salutation or to pay respects or praise to God. Thus, Sandhyavandanam means to respect the divine nature within during these periods.
22 March, 2021The Pooja class was very helpful. I learned a lot of techniques that I didn't know before. The class was taught with great knowledge and I would recommend it to others as well.
18 September, 2021The Pooja class was very helpful. I learned techniques that I didn't know before. It was taught with great knowledge and I would recommend it to others.