Importance: vaikasi Visakam - the festival celebrate for lord muruga to increase courage and valour
There is always a fight between dev and dhanavs. This gets manifested as black energy and white energy. Otherwords it is said as black vortex and white vortex. all the festivals are celebrated to increase the divine vortex or white vortex. It is said that lord muruga was born in Six rupas on the Visaka nakshatra in the vaikasi month out the agni of lord shiva. He was created to
Yeth Devata Tath Bhava- If the devata's birthdays are celebrated we get their bhava or their energy and hence boost in our energy body. Vaikasi Visayan is the birthday of lord subramanya. He said to be born out the fire of lord Siva and was born as six babies brought up by Karthigai Pengal. All the six faces represent four cardinal directions, next facing the sky and sixth face facing the earth. some say that it represnts six gunas or rasas of life which gets reapeated again and again.
Now why should we celebrate this day.
Astronomically this day denotes the change of the wind direction and change of the season. In palani dandayudhapani swami temple the devotees go around the palani mountains so that some important changes or transistions happen in their life
How can you view the pooja
1) with temple shutdown and travels forbidden, the enitre ritual can be viewed through whatsApp or skype
2) The sankalp will be taken with your name, gothram and nakshatra. We perform Pooja, abhisekam and havan daily
3) The Gayatri which is used in the homam will have the name of the karta for whom the ritual is performed.
What happens to energy body when Rituals are done
Before the ritual the energy Body or the aura is broken and there will be leaks in the energy. this makes us feel tired and prone to infections in the physical level. When the ritual is performed there is huge downpour of energy. the aura or the energy body becomes golden and the healing vortex opens. physically we sleep a lot and the body shows signs of recovery.
This is the image of the aura before and after Meditation/ritual
Can organise Pooja and homam within one hour
Organise rudram within one hour and executed within 8 hours
Execution of order
Retention if cluents
Anytime clients can do the Pooja
No reusing of the materials
Pooja done as told in the Vedas
No running around
One stop solution for your ritual needs
Whatever money you give partially we do the dhana for the following issues
Scarf medicine
Water for school children